
God Doesn't Want Me To Have Nice Things

Guess what.

Tonight, while I was at work, some asshole(s) broke into my car and stole my backpack.

The asshole(s) tried accessing the interior of my car through the sunroof first, but when that didn't work out they just broke one of the rear side windows. They didn't take the cd player and they didn't take the amplifier. Only my backpack.

There is only one conclusion.

They knew what was in my backpack: my laptop computer.

I didn't call the police and I didn't tell the doorman that I left with at work tonight. What's the point? I would just be out there for hours and nothing would ever come of it. Pick up the glass? Who the fuck cares? I just pounded my fist a couple times on the now-bent sunroof to get it to close a bit and then drove off knowing that I was still going to have to deal with the engine overheating on the drive home.

It is taking me a long time to write this blog entry due mostly to the fact that my hands are shaking so much from anger that I am forced to type each word 3 times before I get it right. The fact that I can barely see can be attributed to how livid I am and does not help my typing speed get better.

My conclusion: God doesn't want me to have nice things or even decent things for that matter.

I am now waiting for the moment this new lcd monitor breaks. I predict it will rupture rather than short out. This should send a vast amount of liquid at my computer causing it to short out and cease operation. Don't be surprised when you see that post here detailing the occurrance. It will be typed from my brother's computer, of course. I only hope I am not in front of it when it happens to explode...


Blogger Tucker said...

This is truly horiable, and im very sorry that this has happened to you.

Im sorry for what I said to you, however I do stand behind what I said. It is your privalage to do nothing or go all out on it. Doing either has its adavantages and disadvantages.

Im going to be honest, if you dont want to hear it I would advise close the window now.

andy, your a good friend and this is why im sstating this. You are pissed off that bad things happen to you, and rightfully. bad things suck. However you seem to not try and control it, there is amny things you could do to lessen this or change it. Why you dont I dont understand why maybe that is the difrence between me and you. I just feel that you sorta give up, and dont care. I know that there is some subjects you would rather me not bring up, well to bad im bringing them up. Take for example the car, you have ample oputunity to try and get money back, but no you gave up. Take for example selling your other car, i know he still owes you money, yet you do nothing.

Andy, I know that you do what you do casue thats your style. I just hate to see you get walked all over and you do nothing.

Im sure this comment will piss you off, o well so fucking be it. I only told you this casue your a friend and I care.

3/19/2006 02:43:00 PM  
Blogger SlowTEC said...

The difference between Casey and me is that I see what you do and understand. There is absolutely nothing you can do about this. I had my stereo stolen out of my car, there's nothing you can do. Absolutely nothing. You don't know who did it, and to go off questioning would cause more problems than solutions.

I just installed a new stereo yesterday. That is what you have to do, you rebuild. I carry around the stereo face with me everywhere. You rebuild and reassess and change what happened wrong the last time.

Bad stuff happens and it makes us stronger, more wary the next time. God doesn't hate us, he just wants us to not take anything we have for granted, not even for a second. It's a humbling thing. I was all proud of my car, I would refuse to let anyone tell me it was less than another, and then I took a hit to my pride, and I was left with nothing. You are left pretty hopeless.

I know you don't let people walk all over you, Andy. You endure and rebuild, because you know those stupid pieces of crap have no future, and that in the long run, they'll pay for their actions (When we're standing next to God and whispering in his ear that that's the homo right there that stole your laptop, and we watch with glee as God throws them in hell)

My car got broken into too... so I know exactly how you feel. You can't stop though, you can't give up on nice things. You rebuild, you more highly value what you have left and you protect it fiercely. You lock your door to your apartment at night, and install a dead-bolt on your bedroom door too. haha.

And when I get back for Spring Break we'll have a helluva good time. Chin up compadre, everything'll work out.

Remember: "Life is no girls and broken cars."

3/19/2006 03:01:00 PM  
Blogger Whatafreak said...

Casey, you seem not to have thought your response out. I know things about my situation that you do not; therefore, I am in a better position to make decisions than you. Don't assume.

"However you seem to not try and control it"
Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that I could control other people breaking into my car, what other people do with the money that I gave them, or what other things happen to me. Sure, in principle the money is still mine, but I'm not forcing his hand, am I? Nope, and the reason is that I am an idiot as well. I didn't get anything down in writing and I should have. Lesson learned, I moved on.

"there is amny things you could do to lessen this or change it."
Once again, news to me. If I thought time-travel was possible earlier I would have already corrected all these mistakes. Better get building that time machine. I think I will use a Delorean. "The way I see it, if I'm going to build a time-machine into a car, why not do it with some style!" - Doc Brown

"I know that there is some subjects you would rather me not bring up, well to bad im bringing them up. Take for example the car, you have ample oputunity to try and get money back, but no you gave up."
I have already explained this. See the first paragraph.

"Andy, I know that you do what you do casue thats your style. I just hate to see you get walked all over and you do nothing."
That's my style? Allow me to cramp my own style here then and say that I have just learned that it is better to move on than to dwell on past mistakes/occurrances.

Do you think that I have forgotten about it? Do you dare to assume that it only crosses my mind once every few months? Oh, if only I were so lucky. For the past 3 years of my life, 2 of which I have spent walking frequently around this town, it is a daily, nigh even hourly, occurrance for me to think about it during my waking hours. Do you think I don't notice a $5000 hole in my bank account? You assume every time I fall into that stupid piece-of-crap-car to get somewhere that the absurdity of the operational staus of said car goes right over my head? It's a miracle that it still runs with all the repeated overheatings and coolings resulting in an almost certainly warped block or head, not to mention all the missing parts from the engine...

The point is this: I'm not angry at you, Casey, for telling me what you think I should do. That is fine, advise is good. However, you wouldn't stop pushing the subject and that is why I hung up on you. I don't need you to harp on me about it. I had already told you what I was going to do or not do. You expressed your opinion, I took it into consideration, and that should have been the end of it.

Last note: Brad, you should change that motto now to "Life is some girls and broken into cars."

3/19/2006 04:39:00 PM  
Blogger Tucker said...

well, I dont know what to tell you. We are difrent and are so there for our views are.

you state that you dont not think about.. Then why not do something about... you got a couple of opions.. either get the fuck over it or for god sakes do somehting about it...

however, in any case, I have no intentions of brining it up ever again. And most likely will just leave you alone.

3/19/2006 05:55:00 PM  

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