
Addendum -

Brush your teeth kids. I mean it. I used to slack on that. Now I have to pay for it.

I had a root-canal. It was even spread out over 2 days as my dentist was unable to complete it on the first try. I get to go back so he can fashion a crown for that tooth, happy happy joy joy!

On a completely different subject, when am I going to grow up? I want to be mature, to be responsible. I want to get out of my parents hair and be able to support myself. I feel like I am no better off than when I was 15, getting my first job at Burger King. No car and no life, contributing to the poor health and obesity of many Americans. It has been 8 years since then, nearly 7% of my total maximum lifespan and I am yet to accomplish anything. Whoops.

Well, I did stop helping Americans get fatter. I guess that's something, haha!

Time to drown myself with Futurama. Have fun kids, use floss. Don't date robots.

The preceeding message was brought to you by: The Space Pope.


Blogger SlowTEC said...

I wish we could leave near each other. This distance crap sucks... no more spending hours on your computer, no more watching you play UT for hours at a time.

Life sucks... I hate growing up, let's get a time machine and go back to 4 years ago.

11/09/2006 09:32:00 PM  

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