
Ambiguous Endings...


Something about movies bother me when they end ambiguously. I need resolution. I need realism. If something couldn't work because physics as we know them today says they cannot, it gets stuck in my head and I end up thinking about it for the rest of the film. This happens to me on a regular basis.

I just came back from Dead Man's Chest.

Excellent film. The writers may have tried a bit too hard to insert funny things into the movie, at least near the beginning of the story. They detracted from some scenes that, at least to my belief, were very important to the overall progression of the story. All the same, however, it was a good movie. See it if you get the chance.

I also saw The Lake House recently. This film created a nasty paradox right at the end. Some physicists believe a true paradox will destroy the universe. I tried to explain this to some of the people that I saw the movie with, but they brushed it off as nothing. As you can now see, I am still thinking about it. I turn it over in my mind every once in a while, trying to make it work.

It does not, and cannot.

In the interest of not ruining the film for others, I will eloquently describe a situational paradox as best I can using a different scenario than presented in the film.

Suppose that time travel were possible. One could travel to the future to look oneself up, so to speak. You do so, and travel to your future home. Once there, you attempt to break in (you do not have a key). Upon breaking and entering the house, your future self kills you (it was in self-defense, honestly!).

Wait a tick. We just created a paradox.

If you were killed in the past, then there is no "future you". If there is no "future you" to kill you when you travel forward in time, then you must live beyond your time-trip, and therefore kill your past self when you come breaking into your future home.

Got it? Clear as mud.

Moving on. Brad, during your last submitted comment (you know the one I mean) you stated that you were jealous of me. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why. I spent a good half-hour trying to think why. It got stuck in my head like the stuff from the movies, haha. I have few physical things in my possession, no money, no great job, etc. I am not particularly skilled in any trades, sports activities, or hobbies. I have a great family, but your family is fabulous too, Brad. I am seriously stumped on this one, so I am calling you out.


I await your almost certainly entertaining response...

It is 4 in the morning.

Time for WoW!



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