
Fall Picture Time!

So, I have spent the last day or two helping my Dad put up Christmas lights around the outside of our house. The process seems to take more time than I mentally estimate every time. We are moving along though, and have quite a nice display at the moment. I believe we are going to try for more, but we shall see about that.

Anyway, while I was on the roof today (dangling precariously over the edge of the roof about 30 feet up) I noticed that the rather large amount of leaves strewn across the lawn appeared poignantly picturesque. I then endeavored to spend a few minutes taking some pictures. I took a few with the specific intention of turning them into wallpapers or backgrounds. Provided below are the aforementioned photographs, thoughtfully presented in the two of the most common screen resolutions. You may take these pictures and do what you like with them, I am providing them without restriction. Enjoy!


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