
Last Thing Recquired? A Smog Test

I am reluctant to write a post about this.

The last time I tried this whole "car thing", I got burned hardcore. I learned from that experience, grew smarter. I am significantly more cautious and wary.

I asked that poor guy so many questions that he wasn't able to answer, I feel kinda like I grilled him for information about the car and his use of it.

Here's the skinny.

One of my best friends ever, SlowTEC, and I were chatting one day. He stated his desire for an aging car of mysterious power. I expressed my extremely similar feelings back to him.

We began to search.

It wasn't easy. There are many relics out there, but all seem tainted. Covered up and turned into monsters of unspeakable abominations. Rims of Latin origin and exceedingly large pipes litter the landscape.

I thought all was lost. I thought it impossible to find a clean, non-mistreated treasure to behold for all time. I thought I might have to postpone our search indefinitely.

SlowTEC came to the rescue!

He had found as clean and untainted a specimen as I could have possibly hoped for. Sure, she wasn't stock, but she wasn't turned into a monster either. She was lovingly cared for and had only light modifications. Someone in her past had taken the time to fix her back up after a disastrous occurrence resulting in a salvaged title.

I then made the long, difficult journey to visit her. I traveled a perilous path filled with danger. A mysteriously forming flame of monstrous size and power stood in my way and collapsed part of my path, but I persevered and found a way.

As soon as I saw her, I couldn't help but break into one of the most intense grins I've had the pleasure of experiencing these last few years. I sat for more than a minute taking her in, letting myself bask in the visual beauty.

I spoke with her owner, and eventually the subject turned to my acquiring her. We settled on a price, and I made the sad turn down the road that removed my treasure from view.

All that is left on my end is to sign a few loan documents. She is in the process of getting some light repair and a smog test completed. If all goes well and according to plan, this Saturday I will journey again to retrieve her.

Literally, one of my dreams incarnate, she is a 1985 Toyota Corolla GT-S.

I tell this story here so that future generations may know of my epic struggle.

I hope the ending comes true.


Blogger SlowTEC said...

I want it to come true because my life sucks, except for an amazing perfect girlfriend, so you get the car, I get the girl, and together we have a full and happy life...

5/07/2007 09:35:00 PM  
Blogger BrownEyedGirl said...


I am so happy for you because now you have a real Bad A car.

That's all I wanted to say.

5/07/2007 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna see pics!

7/23/2007 05:12:00 PM  

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