
Novel Idea Time

Let the record show that today, Monday, February 26th, 2007, is the day that I started to write my novel.

I have no defined plot nor characters, but I started typing out some of my ideas for a story. I have been reading a book specifically about plot structure and development amongst all my internet research and have reached a point where I believe I can start putting a good story together. There have been a few ideas that keep on running through my head that I will give the first chance at succeeding, but there are still dozens more that are itching to come out of the depths of my mind.

Here are 3 of my ideas actually, the first 3 that I typed out (i.e. - not necessarily my favorites):

A seemingly normal man gets caught up in a sinister plot to combine 3 ancient relics into a mythical device of massive destructive power. Can he find and destroy the final piece before the Earth becomes just another cold, lifeless rock in space?

The Blood Fountain is just a myth, it has to be. A small group of adventurers on a rock-climbing trip come across a tattered manuscript containing a map and embark on a journey to Hell.

Animals flee from a 10 mile wide circle deep in the jungle where all plant life has mysteriously died. A week ago it was only 1 mile wide, and it continues to increase in size. An unseen adversary rises from the depths to torture Earth, but what can be done to stop the relentless invasion?

Feel free to comment/critique as you wish, I welcome any input.

If you can't already tell, I want to write an action/adventure novel.

I have set a goal of 2 pages of ideas for today and tomorrow, and I can get about 10 per page. Hopefully I will end up with 40 - 50 ideas that I can use to start developing a good novel.

I am hoping to be of sound enough mind to continue to blog about my novel writing experience.


Blogger SlowTEC said...

They seem more like a movie than a novel. #1 Sounds like Fifth Element (but with 4). #2 sounds like a mix between The Core and that gross horror movie The Descent, and #3 sounds like the beginning of a comic book. I'm not trying to be harsh, just giving an honest opinion (or as much of one as could be conceived out of 3-line descriptions.

Good start though.

2/27/2007 09:39:00 PM  
Blogger Whatafreak said...

Hmm, it's good to have an objective opinion on these. I also understand that it is difficult to get a good idea of what I mean with only a few sentences. I had to boil down the idea and decided to go with a sorta theater poster tag line, I guess.

I never really thought about it this way, but #1 does sound a bit like Fifth Element. I didn't intend for it to be set in the future, but more in present day, and with old-school (read, Mayan or the like) relics, not some alien "stones". Think more along the lines of Indiana Jones. #2 also sounds a bit like a movie (The Descent), but the point is not horror, but action/adventure. And I intend for them to actually travel through the Hell, of biblical fame but with a fictional interpretation, of course. In #3, the adversary is supposed to be biological, such as a virus or other such design of nature that was heretofore not seen or understood by man until it started affecting the Earth.

Hope this helps clear things up insofar as it pertains to my ideas. Maybe if I desire to post more ideas in the future I will take the time to flesh them out a bit more.

2/27/2007 10:51:00 PM  

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