
My Megas XLR Site

The reinstall of Windows XP has been completed and the box is running really well for the moment. How long that lasts for is up for debate.

Anyway, the main point of this post is to request anyone who happens to come across this blog to have a look here. The link leads to the Megas XLR fan website I am currently developing. If it is not too much trouble, could you please leave a comment with your feedback? Good, bad, hateful, whatever. It doesn't matter to me. The more descriptive you are, the better. Suggestions are appreciated as well. You could think of yourselves as beta-testers, fun fun!

For the more technically inclined, the CSS file and HTML template both validate, the HTML file validates as Strict (w00t!). I have the layout code virtually completed, and the visual elements are nearly complete as well.

Any questions are welcome, just make a comment here and I will do my best to answer quickly.

Thanks for any help!


Windows Redux: The Linux Dual-boot

Well folks, Brad and I are about to embark on an incredible journey. A journey to the land of clean hard drives, faster performance, and simple computing. The idea of reinstalling XP in my machine has been rolling around inside my head for a while now, but Brad is the one that has spurred me to do it. I spent the last hour making sure that I have saved everything that I want to save, exported my bookmark lists, and saved my iTunes library (yes, the entire thing). 45 minutes left saving some things from my server to my local 80gb hdd. I fit everything that I wanted to save on one 80gb hdd. For me, that is amazing. 320gb of space on the server, 380gb on my desktop, consolidated to 80gb...

I am also going to be dual-booting my desktop with Kubuntu as well. I would have been doing this already but for some reason I set my hdd's to dynamic instead of leaving them basic. This prevented me from repartitioning the drives. Since I had no more extra space on the drive then I had no way (that I know of) of changing the size of those partitions.

My next post will be composed from the new install...

... in a week.


Megas XLR Fansite

Well folks, my recently revived enthusiasm for the fantabulous Cartoon Network original show Megas XLR has spurred me to create a fansite dedicated to it. This show is quite possibly the best cartoon ever made, though I leave that discussion for another time and place.

Megas XLR is an animated show about Coop, his best friend Jamie, a space chick from the future Kiva, and loads of aliens. Coop finds a giant robot in a junkyard, purchases it for $2, and proceeds to trick it out hotrod style, complete with a car for a head. Due to the heavy influence of video games, Coop completely redesignes how Megas is operated and integrates large amounts of that influence via game console controllers both conventional(PS2 Dualshock) and unorthodox(DDR dancepad) into the robot. Megas XLR frequently pokes fun at pop culture, anime, and video games which makes for a very entertaining show, especially if you have a watched a few anime series. I spend much of my time watching the show straining to catch a glimpse of the labels on some of the buttons(Save the World [Out of Order]) and what seemingly mundane objects (car heater control knob) he uses to defeat his enemies.

Unfortunately, Megas XLR is no longer airing on any channel that I know of. With only 2 seasons aired, this show was ended way before its time. As far as I know, there are no plans to release the episodes to DVD. As the situation dictates, the only way that you are going to be able to view this show at this time is to download the shows via torrent or Usenet. Many believe that this is a legal gray-area, but court cases have illustrated that time-shifting(think TIVO) is legal. As there are no alternative means to acquire this show(a.k.a. VHS or DVD) I see no reason why this show cannot be downloaded to enjoy.

Anyway, I recently aqcuired the domain www.megaslush.com and I plan on making an excellent fansite for Megas XLR complete with episode guides, screenshots, sound clips, and character/cast bios. The domain is currently parked at my personal website, so clicking the link will lead you there until I can afford to purchase hosting for it. However, I have set up a subdomain at http://megaslush.freekonline.net where I will be developing the site for the time being. Do not visit this link thinking that you will enter into a fully functional Megas XLR fansite. I am currently working on layout and design, so content hasn't even been developed for it yet.

Suggestions are appreciated, feel free to place them in the comments to this blog post.

Edit: Brad, thank you ever-so-much for introducing me to this show. I owe you one for that...