
Fall Picture Time!

So, I have spent the last day or two helping my Dad put up Christmas lights around the outside of our house. The process seems to take more time than I mentally estimate every time. We are moving along though, and have quite a nice display at the moment. I believe we are going to try for more, but we shall see about that.

Anyway, while I was on the roof today (dangling precariously over the edge of the roof about 30 feet up) I noticed that the rather large amount of leaves strewn across the lawn appeared poignantly picturesque. I then endeavored to spend a few minutes taking some pictures. I took a few with the specific intention of turning them into wallpapers or backgrounds. Provided below are the aforementioned photographs, thoughtfully presented in the two of the most common screen resolutions. You may take these pictures and do what you like with them, I am providing them without restriction. Enjoy!


Addendum -

Brush your teeth kids. I mean it. I used to slack on that. Now I have to pay for it.

I had a root-canal. It was even spread out over 2 days as my dentist was unable to complete it on the first try. I get to go back so he can fashion a crown for that tooth, happy happy joy joy!

On a completely different subject, when am I going to grow up? I want to be mature, to be responsible. I want to get out of my parents hair and be able to support myself. I feel like I am no better off than when I was 15, getting my first job at Burger King. No car and no life, contributing to the poor health and obesity of many Americans. It has been 8 years since then, nearly 7% of my total maximum lifespan and I am yet to accomplish anything. Whoops.

Well, I did stop helping Americans get fatter. I guess that's something, haha!

Time to drown myself with Futurama. Have fun kids, use floss. Don't date robots.

The preceeding message was brought to you by: The Space Pope.

EA, You F**king Suck.

I used to like EA, but maybe that is because they used to make good games a long time ago. Or, perhaps it was because the games they used to make actually ran after installing them.

I bought Battlefield 2142 this evening on a whim. I felt like it, don't know why though.

I regret it completely now.

I can't even get it to run, damn piece of crap. What kind of terrible coding allows a game to install without the *.exe file being created/copied?

"Okay," I thought, "Maybe that is what the patch is for." Wrong, oh so wrong! The patch is to help stop crashes during the "Titan" game mode. Wow, that's f**king awesome! I am glad they fix issues. Too bad it does JACK DIDDLY SQUAT for me.

I attempted to uninstall and reinstall the game 3 times based on information I gathered from message boards scattered across the interwebs. I made multiple attempts to install the patch after each fresh installation of the game using multiple methods as well.

Nothing changed. I still get this when I try to launch the game:

So then I thought I'd give their support a try. Nothing in the entire database for Battlefield 2142 even mentions this issue.

I then try to submit a help ticket. The stupid website asks me multiple times to enable javascript (which is already enabled) and fill out fields in the form that either do not exist or are hidden. I am not able to submit after repeated attempts.

I am now frustrated beyond all reason.

EA, I know you won't ever see this but it makes me feel better to post it.
Electronic Arts, are you, in fact, going to get something right at some point? It is ridiculous that a game can complete installation and still be missing a vital piece of the puzzle. Why is this even an issue? Don't even come to me and tell me that my drivers aren't up-to-date or some other stupid, asinine statement. I have been using my computer for quite a while now. I built it myself, even. I know how to run my system with no anti-virus/anti-spyware software at all and have it run great, contrary to popular opinion. Your website is atrocious, poorly coded/designed, and absolutely devoid of useful information, not to mention unresponsive and counter-intuitive. How am I supposed to aqcuire help from you if I am incorrectly told that I have javascript disabled whenever I try to ask for it? This is notwithstanding the fact that I didn't find out about the spyware and in-game advertisements (why am I paying full price for the game just to be served ads?!?!) until after I bought the game. Sneaky and underhanded of you, but a poor judgement call by myself for not investigating the game prior to purchasing it. Lesson learned. Get your act together, EA.

From now on, I will not purchase any additional EA titles. I don't know what happened to you, EA. I used to like you, I even gave you money frequently. Now I do not. Who wants all this to happen to them when all they wanted to do was play a game?

Not I.


New Business on the Horizon?

I have just come away from a frenzy of creative energy emminating from my IM client.

It looks like my brother, Nick, and one of my best friends ever, Brad, will be attempting to start a business at some point. I don't want to give details yet, this was really our first discussion regarding the subject and I am sure the specifics will vary wildly later as we work them out. It won't be a brick and mortor establishment though, at least not initially. This means that we won't have wildly large startup costs, which is good.

My feeling regarding this rather sudden turn of events:


I am really sick of trying hard to get these jobs in this go-nowhere town and not getting a thing, not even a call back. I relish the idea of starting my own business.

I think my DVD burner isn't operating the way it should be. I am having trouble reading some DVD's now, and burning them has been a nightmare so far. I do have quite a stack of coasters now though, so if anyone comes over and needs a drink, I am all set.

Back to watching Futurama.